The Lady Is A Leader, And It’s Her Season!


This has been one of the most unusual seasons in our lives.  Of course we each have experienced the changes in the meteorological sphere;  we’ve  noticed and experienced what should be spring with weather which is very different from what we would expect.

Many of us who packed away our winter wear only to have to go into the attic and pull out a sweater or outer wear due to the temperature have wondered; what’s going on?  Why are we experiencing below than normal temperature readings in what should be the spring of the year.

The earth is continuously revolving and so are the days of our lives.  Let’s view this with a spiritual eye.  While so much has changed or is changing in our lives, more so than not, we expect or anticipate certain behavior to follow certain patterns.

I Corinthians 13:11

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.


Seasons in our lives are equivalent to the seasons we experience on earth.  The beginning of our journey may be acknowledged as the “summer” of our lives; when everything is beautiful, sunny, and we skim across the waters of time with no worries or cares.  Somewhat childlike.

The “spring” in our lives, is when we begin to grow and become involved and acquainted with natural and spiritual  character which may have not been a part of our initial familiar environment.

The “autumn” reflects a time when we have become more engaged; more aware and conscious of our actions and our reactions to life; as well as to those of whom we have forged relationships.

Lastly, but certainly not least we come upon the “winter”, wherein a state of maturity envelopes our state of mind; our sense of being at peace with whom we have become throughout this journey we call life;  also accept the responsibility and consequences of the actions of our previous seasons.


The Apostle Paul states in his correspondence to the church of Corinth his declaration of what season he now finds himself.  I ask you to review your season.  As the title states…The Lady Is A Leader and It Is Her Season; however only you can determine which season of which you are walking.

While, I enjoy the oil of laughter,  I also find peace in the wealth of His presence in my life…That’s my season!  Also as a vessel which carries the Gospel of Jesus Christ…the presence of “rest” and “restoring” is prevalent so that I may effectively serve with honor and integrity…..That’s my season!  My heart is to pour into others and provoke the gifts which lie with each person I encounter…That’s my season!

My desire is that you locate  and determine your season and dress your character for your particular arena of time.  Do not wear summer-wear in the winter! Do not  attempt to put on your autumn wear, when you are in the spring.  The analogy is to be WHO YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE! When Paul was a child he thought and behaved and understood as a child; however when he matured and gained wisdom he developed the spirit of an adult; and no longer practiced or participated in childish actions.   That was HIS season!

I ask you to review the seasons in your life,  we are at the half-way mark of 2013.  What will you do with the remainder of your year?

You ARE a Lady Leader…And It IS Your Season!

Walk In Power,

Dr. BJ Relefourd

Proofreader/Blog Post EditorLady Lakesia and Pastor BJ

Lady LaKesia Scott-Charter WOP Member/Alabama

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About The Lady Is A Leader

A fulfilled wife of over 43 years, mother of 2, and Nana of 3- .Dr. BJ states, "if she does any better, she must be a twin" Dr. BJ Relefourd, Co-Pastor’s Vision of Life Ministries E-Church Campus based in Metropolitan Atlanta. She is the founder/visionary of Women of Power, an International Organization geared to empower women from all walks of life. Dr. BJ is also the Executive Director of the Women of Power Network, an international media outlet of inspirational media to the masses. Dr. BJ, is the former Co-Host of Gospel Touch, WATC TV 57, which reached over 1 million cable homes, viewed internationally via WATC.TV video stream. She is the former host of Walking In Power Blog Talk Radio Show, currently Dr BJ Co-Hosts The Vision Speaks 2 on YouTube As as author, psalmist, anointed key note speaker, Dr. BJ carries the mantle to deliver Christ to all with power!. Dr BJ aspired to provide a safe place for Lady Leaders. The Lady Leader Academy Mentorship Program has evolved and emerged to house the needs of Lady Leaders virtually
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2 Responses to The Lady Is A Leader, And It’s Her Season!

  1. And to everything there is a “Season” …Thank you for expressing it so beautifully. Well done.

  2. dhbonner says:

    An on-time Word… Spoken in Due Season!

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